Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday Blog & Cookbook Giveaway!

Where does time go? I just can't believe that my blog is already 2 years old, Happy Birthday Blog!!!! I have enjoyed capturing all my cooking adventures on film and actually writing up the recipes so I can re-create them instead of wonder "what did I put in that dish?"
Also, I have met many wonderful blogger-friends which brings me to my Giveaway! I am going to put everyone that posts a comment on this posting into a hat and pull out a lucky winner. What's the prize? One of my favorite cookbooks, Tyler's Ultimate, which has beautiful pictures and a variety of recipes that are easy to follow and down to earth. Please provide a link to your blog, or your email address so I can contact you if your name is drawn. I will be picking and announcing the lucky winner Monday, July 20th!
Good Luck!


  1. Congratulations on your two-year blog anniversary. It's no small achievement to maintain a blog for that long. Here's to a wonderful Year Three. (I already own this book, so don't enter me in the giveaway.)

  2. Happy, happy blogiversary! Pick me, pick me, pick me. ;-)

  3. Happy Blog Birthday to you... Well done two years is a long time but I know it's all worth the effort. I just celebrated 100 posts...

    What a nice cake you have baked!!

    Keep up the great work,


  4. Congrats! Keep up the good work. I just love Tyler....he's so darn cute (and cooks too). Thanks for sharing, Stacy

  5. Congrats on your blogaversary. And that cookbook looks wonderful!

  6. Congrats on your blogaversary! That's a beautiful cake up there. I'm having a giveaway too if you're interested :)

  7. happy belated blog birthday! And here's to more fun filled years of blogging!

  8. Nice blog you got here. I'd like to read a bit more about this topic. Thnx for giving this information.
    Joan Stepsen
    Girl geeks
