Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Jessica’s Lemon Cake

My co-worker Jessica talked about a lemon cake that her grandmother used to make and one day she surprised me and brought it in. Well, I must say I was blown away by the flavor, and how moist it was, then even more shocked to hear that it started with a cake mix! If you know me, you know that I generally make everything from scratch. This is just one of those recipes I had to make because I was craving it. The good thing about this recipe is that it’s very simple and quick to make, definitely something you should keep in your back pocket if you’re in a time pinch and need a quick and easy dessert. Thanks for sharing your grandmother’s recipe Jessica! The only thing I request is that you don’t start calling me Sandra Lee, which would just be downright disrespectful :)

Jessica’s Lemon Cake

1 Box Yellow Cake Mix
1 Box Lemon Jello
4 Eggs
¾ Cup Vegetable Oil
¾ Cup Water

2 Cups Powdered Sugar
2 Lemons, juice and zest

Pre heat oven to 350 degrees and grease the bottom only of a 9x12 inch cake pan.
To make the cake combine all cake ingredients to the bowl of your mixer and mix over medium speed for 4 minutes, and pour into the cake pan. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until golden and toothpick comes out clean. Place on a wire rack to cool and poke holes all over the top with a skewer or chopstick for the glaze to soak in.
While cake is cooling, combine the lemon zest & juice, and the powdered sugar, whip with a whisk until well combined. Brush glaze over the top of the cooled cake and serve.


  1. Yum! I bet the lemon jello made the cake full of lemon flavor - what a great idea. Love the glaze too!

  2. wow! this seems like a quick and easy recipe to get a super delicious cake! love the addition of the jello mix!

  3. I've been known to take a bit of help from box mixes, too. Why not?! One of my favorite easy desserts is to take a basic gingerbread mix and bump it up with additional powdered and crystallized ginger.

  4. I just love anything lemony, and if it tastes good, who cares about cutting the odd corner. Not me! Or should that be, not I?

  5. Jessica lemon cake you said? come on! is just an ordinary lemon pie!
