Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hello & A Sneak Peak Into My Kitchen!

Hello & A Sneak Peak Into My Kitchen!

Wow, has it really been an entire month that I haven’t posted anything? It seems as if only a week has gone by, but it also feels like a year has gone by too. January was a big blur of crazy for me, and I hardly got into the kitchen to make a sandwich let alone a yummy meal.
My work schedule during January is always really hectic, finishing up year end, doing inventory, writing reviews, and prepping for the next year, phew….I’m so glad it’s all over with.
I am so thankful to still have a job, with so many of my friends and family getting that horrible news of losing their job, I just can’t imagine. I have been working 60+ hours a week, but all I keep telling myself is thank god I can pay my bills and enjoy life without the stress of money.
So let’s get back to cooking! Yes, I have been missing in action, and I thank you for your kind emails and comments to ensure I’m still alive and kicking. I am looking forward to another year of blogging and meeting new foodie friends. As a way to get back into the swing of things I thought it would be fun to show you all my tiny kitchen. I have two work areas, my largest counter space is about 40 inches wide and my other smaller counter space by the stove is a whopping 30 inches wide! I think people are always shocked when they realize how small my workspace is and how I can still entertain 12+ people comfortably, but it’s something I have learned to do quite well. I do use my dining table and pull out cutting board as back up counter space when prepping, and cleaning as I cook is a must! I love my gas range, but secretly wish I had 6 burners, wouldn’t that be a dream come true? I love all the cupboard space I have, even though my kitchen is small I have all sorts of storage drawers and cupboards to put everything in. I also have some metro shelving in the basement for all my serving dishes and large cooking pots, so it all works out pretty well.
Well I think that’s it for today, I have some delicious recipes to post, so please come back and visit. I also have some fun interactive ideas for this year as well. I will talk more about that later. Thank you everyone who reads my blog on a regular basis and posts comments, I really appreciate them! Happy late New Years, and cheers to a food filled 2009!


  1. What a cute kitchen - I love how clean you are! The cabinets are making me jealous - I just don't have enough space for everything. Glad to see you are back.

  2. Great photos! Now, how about opening those pantry cupboards and sharing on Other People's Pantries?

  3. I have about as much counter space as you do! It's not the prep space I'm lacking, just a place to store sh*t! Coffee maker, coffee grinder, toaster, microwave! I finally put a knife rack up just to move the pesky block off the counter.

    What amazes me is how nice and clean your kitchen looks. My always looks like a hurricane has come through, even if I've just made toast :-)

  4. It's good to see you back, Jason. I can't believe how neat and tidy your kitchen is, and with so much natural light, My kitchen is bigger, but only has one small window. And, wherever I've lived, there never seems to be enough counter space.
