Thursday, February 19, 2009

Broccoli Stir Fry

There is just something about a simple stir fry that is so satisfying! I love broccoli, but only if it’s perfectly cooked and not soggy. I was at the store the other day and the broccoli just jumped out at me so I decided to take it home and throw it into a stir fry. I just added a few ingredients I had in the fridge and then used a little soy sauce and oyster sauce to flavor it with. If you have some Thai basil around that is another great ingredient to throw in at the end, it adds a yummy sweet, almost licorice type flavor.

Broccoli Stir Fry

2 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts, cut into thin slices
1 Head Broccoli, cut into little spears
6 Stalk Celery, sliced
1 Small onion, sliced
1 Pound Mushrooms, quartered
1 Tablespoon Fresh Ginger, finely minced
Vegetable Oil, for frying
¼ Cup Oyster Sauce
2 Tablespoons Soy Sauce

Heat a wok over high heat and add a little oil, fry chicken until browned and almost cooked through, remove and set aside. Next add a little more oil and cook the broccoli until just browned, but still crunchy and remove. Add the celery onions, mushrooms, and ginger and cook until just soft, about 3 minutes. Add the chicken and broccoli back to the pan and pour in the oyster sauce and soy sauce, cook until the sauce is slightly reduced and broccoli is just tender. Serve plain or over steamed rice.


  1. Love it. I had Thai last night but it wasn't very good - this looks much better!

  2. I do a beef and broccoli stir fry, I must try it with chicken some time, sounds delish.
