Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sopa de Fideo

My friend Silvia that lives in Bend came up to visit a couple weeks ago and prepared the most amazing Mexican Food! It was so much fun to learn some new recipes and not have to do all the cooking like usual. We had 8 people over for dinner and everyone left very fat and happy.
The menu included: Sopa de Fideo (Soup with Noodles), Carne de Puerco con Chile (Pork with Chile), Frijoles de Loya (Pinto Beans), two kinds of Salsa, Guacamole, and my home made Flour Tortillas. I will be posting all the other recipes very soon as well, except for the salsa, as it’s a “secret” recipe. I may share my version of her salsa though, as I wouldn’t want to keep everyone completely in the dark!
Thank you for sharing your recipes Silvia, and I sure wish you would let me share your Secret Salsa Recipe!

Sopa de Fideo

1 Bag Fideo Fino (Vermicelli) 6 ounces
¼ Yellow Onion
1 Clove Garlic
8 Ounces Tomato Sauce
3 Cups Water
1 Cup Beef Broth
1 Teaspoon Salt
3 Tablespoons Lard (or Crisco)

In a large frying pan, heat the lard over medium high heat and fry the Fideo until golden brown, turning constantly as to not burn the noodles, remove and drain on a paper towel. In a large saucepan, combine the noodles and all other ingredients. Simmer for about 30 minutes, until reduced and thick and noodles are very tender. Remove the onion quarter and season to taste with more salt if needed.


  1. Mmmmmm! That looks so simple and so tasty. Well done, Sylvia, and so nice that you got some time out of the kitchen too, Jason.

  2. Looks really good. Simple ingredients make the best recipes. Looking forward to the other posts.

  3. One of my favorite Saturday lunches while I was growing up was a soup like this. But, my version involved a can of Campbell's Tomato Soup. I can't wait to give your version a try - I'm sure it is much much much better.

  4. My grandmother used to make this for me all of the time when I was little :). I used to put sliced bananas in it--crazy but true :).

  5. jaja, my grandmother use to make me fideo with sliced bananas too. It taste good.

  6. imake fideo all the time. it is so tasty and satifying. dont think too many people make this. they usually just make spanish rice with their mexican dishes. peg

  7. Try this for a real Mexican taste...
    Saute the fideo noodles(you can also use small shells) in butter(or "I can't believe it's not butter", like I do) then remove from heat and add water, 1 can of PATO SAUCE, 1 chicken bullion cube, and salt to taste. Simmer and cook like you would rice, about 20- 25 minutes on medium heat (about 5 on an electric stove) serve with a dallop of sour cream on top and a flour tortilla....yummy!

  8. use olive oil==much healthier than lard

  9. fry some bacon and onion then add noodles to toast them first you want some burnt noodles chicken broth, diced tomatoes, chili poweder

  10. I make mine just like this but I add a tsp of ground cumin. Mmmmm
