Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mint Lemonade

Well I made it back from Phoenix, and boy was it hot! It was at least 110+ every day, so needless to say I stayed inside the entire time! I was planning on taking pictures of the delicious food and posting when I got back, but I forgot my camera, bummer! We had some pretty good food though, the first night we had several different grilled kabobs, and they had every kind of sushi and sashimi you could want. For breakfast we were served the usual American breakfast of bacon, eggs, hash browns. One day for lunch we had the Williams Sonoma Thanksgiving Dinner, it was amazing, I always love a good turkey! And for dinner the last night I was there we had the biggest fillet Mignon I have ever seen that were perfectly cooked and fork tender. I think between the food and champagne I had I gained at least 5 pounds!

I planted mint this spring and it is going absolutely crazy! I finally decided to use some the other day in my cocktail. I love the bright flavor that mint adds, and it's aroma is fabulous too! This is such an easy way to spice up your boring old lemonade, and you can throw in some vodka, or leave it out.
Mint Lemonade
Just tear up several mint leaves, and add to a glass of lemonade, stir well and enjoy.
Add a shot or two of vodka if you need something a little more relaxing.


  1. I grew up in Vegas, where it is also scorching hot during the summer. One summer, my friends and I traveled to Tempe for a music festival and I noticed that it was even hotter in Arizona than it was in Nevada! It turned out to be like 120 or something absolutely ridiculous.

    I bet the 90 degree weather we've been having here feels downright cool to you now. LOL

  2. I am not a fan of that kind of heat - love Oregon! Anyway, the mint lemonade looks and sounds so refreshing. Welcome home.
