Sunday, July 13, 2008

Biscuits & Gravy

I think everyone loves biscuits and gravy. I served these a couple weeks ago for my Sunday Brunch and they turned out perfect. One of my friends that’s from Texas said they were as good as his mothers, what a complement! The key is to use a lot of sausage and you have to use whole milk to make a good gravy, no skimping on this dish. This recipe does makes a ton of gravy so feel free to cut it in half. I did love the leftovers that I had though, yummy. I think I was from the south in a past life, it’s just such good comforting food.

Biscuits & Gravy

8 Biscuits, I hate to admit it but I used Bisquick in this recipe!
2 Pounds Ground Sausage
¼ Cup Flour
1 Quart Milk (4 cups)
Salt & Pepper

In a large frying pan fry the sausage while breaking it up into pieces with a spoon until browned and cooked through. Next sprinkle with the flour and continue cooking for about 1 minute over medium heat. Add the milk and cook over medium high heat while constantly stirring with a whish until thickened, about 3-5 minutes. Season to taste with lots of fresh black pepper and a little bit of salt. If the gravy doesn’t thicken enough, then mix a little bit more flour with milk and add to the pan.


  1. I just found your blog via Pam's For the Love of Cooking! I love biscuits and gravy! Yours looks great! I like how your recipe makes a lot of gravy, some recipes tend to skimp that way and you end up with goo. And, hey, Bisquick biscuits are a GOOD thing! Great post!

  2. Thanks Paula!
    Glad you checked out my blog, I will do the same!

  3. Jason, my mother wasn't much of a biscuits and gravy girl...but those were some darn good cookin'!
