Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Perfect Appletini

I secretly love watching Sex and the City and had the opportunity to go see the movie. Well, being me I had to get friends together before the movie and have Appletini’s. I know I should be embarrassed that I love this over-sugared Jolly-Rancher-esque drink, but I’m not. After we had our cocktails we headed to the theater and watched the movie, which I would highly recommend if you are a fan.

The Perfect Appletini

3 Ounces Vodka
3 Ounces Sour Apple Pucker
Maraschino Cherry

Shake all ingredients very well in a cocktail shaker with lots of ice, pour into a martini glass, and garnish with a maraschino cherry, enjoy!


  1. Wow -- that does look cool and refreshing!

  2. What great,I think that this man is one of the best bartender in the world, excellent information!!

  3. closet queer! Not that there's anything wrong with that.
