Saturday, January 26, 2008

Chicken Adobo

This is a traditional Filipino dish and can be made with pork or chicken. I usually only cook with white meat, but with this dish I used dark to keep it traditional. If you do substitute pork, just use a pork tenderloin and cook until falling apart, about 1 ½ hours. When I first heard of this dish I was a little hesitant due to the large amounts of vinegar and soy sauce, but was in love after I smelled it cooking and then bit into the juicy tangy chicken. I also love how truly easy this dish is, and with using the dark meat I made and entire meal for 6 people for about $10, definitely a reason to put this in your recipe box.

Chicken Adobo

5 Pounds Chicken, preferably dark meat and on the bone (I used 12 Thighs)
1 ½ Cups White Vinegar
1 ½ Cups Soy Sauce (don’t use the low sodium)
6 Cloves Garlic, crushed and peeled
2 Tablespoons Flour
2 Tablespoons Sugar
4 Bay Leafs

Clean Chicken and place in 9x13-inch baking dish. Sprinkle with flour and sugar, then add all remaining ingredients to pan, cover and marinate for 3 hours. Heat oven to 375 degrees, and bake uncovered for 1 hour, or until chicken is tender and falling off the bone, turning every 20 minutes. Skim off fat, place chicken on a bed of rice and top with the sauce.


  1. This is one of my favorite things to make and eat! The house smells so good while it is cooking!

  2. I just found your blog. It is a fun read.

    Chicken adobo is a great Filipino recipe. One thing my Filipino MIL uses is apple cider vinegar instead of white. I think this adds to the intensity of the flavor. She uses boneless/skinless chicken breast, but my husband and I prefer boneless/skinless thigh meat. Anyway you do it though, adobo ROCKS!

    Again, new to your blog, but I am really enjoying the read so far! Thanks!
