Sunday, December 30, 2007

Dinner at Dave and Francisca's

Chili Night

Francisca and Dave had a dinner party on Friday and as usual everything was wonderful. They fixed 3 different types of chili, black bean and lamb chili, a traditional American chili, and a delicious spicy beanless chili with pork and lots of different chili peppers. For side dishes they had collard greens with garlic and pork shank, and also skillet cornbread. I was in charge of dessert and brought a yummy apple galette.
The evening was nice and mellow, with lots of good company and excellent food. My personal favorite chili was the beanless chili, as it had a rich smoky flavor. Dessert was a big hit and we ended the evening with singing around the piano. The only thing I would do differently next time would be to bring an extra stomach, I couldn’t get enough!

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