Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My Favorite Cook Books

My Favorite Cook Books

I have a ton of cook books but really only refer to a few when I’m in a pinch for a really good recipe. These are all very easy to follow, have good basic recipes which enable me to take the main ingredients and tweak them to make my own delicious creation. I often think of something to make and find the same recipe in 4 different cook books and blend all the things I like from each recipe to make the dish. My first recipe book I ever cooked out of was my mom’s Betty Crocker cook book, I still have fond memories of the enticing pictures of cookies and cakes in this timeless cook book. The first recipe I had of my own was the Better Homes cook book, which I still refer to today for basic recipes such as mayonnaise, frosting, or a simple pound cake. I have a all the Barefoot Contessa cook books and use these a lot for inspiration and really good recipes. I have never made anything from these books that I don’t like. Remember all those Indian recipes I posted??? Well almost all of them were inspired from my favorite cookbook, The Best Curry Ever. The recipes are well written, easy to follow, and simply delicious. You don’t need a million recipes to be a good cook, just a few cook books with really good recipes! Please enjoy!

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