Thursday, October 11, 2007

Fresh Veggie Salsa

It makes me sad that my vegetable garden is finally done producing and I have just a few tomatoes and zucchini left to eat. This is a really yummy veggie salsa my friend Greg made and I think I might have to make another batch today.

Fresh Veggie Salsa

2 Red Heirloom Tomatoes, diced
1 Yellow Tomato, diced
2 Shallots, chopped
1 Medium Cucumber, peeled, seeded and diced
Handful Fresh Herbs-Greg used Flat Leaf Parsley, Basil, and Tarragon.
Coarse Salt and Black Pepper

Mix all ingredients and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper. This is good served with chips, on toasted baguette, or even as a side salad.

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