Sunday, September 23, 2007

Birthday Bouillabaisse

I was so excited to be invited to Francisca and David's for my birthday dinner! David is an amazing cook and they have a wonderful house that is so easy to hang out and enjoy yourself in. I secretly want Francisca's glassware collection (it's her grandmothers crystal) but didn't think it was a good idea to put a couple of glasses in my coat pocket, now I wish I would have...just kidding! We started the evening out in the back garden by the fire and enjoyed appetizers and then came inside for the most yummy and amazing Bouillabaisse ever! The evening commenced with Christopher playing the piano, Dave playing the guitar, and my doing what I do best....drinking Prosecco!
Wendy, Christopher, Paul, Nan, Me, David.....Sorry your not in the picture Francisca!

Pear and Brie Baguette, Yummy!

Blue Cheese Tart with a Hazelnut Crust....Amazing, thank you Christopher!

I also want to steal Francisca's dining expands to seat a million people!

How yummy does this look?

Here we go...Dinner is almost ready.

So there is an art to serving Bouillabaisse. You lay a piece of french bread in your bowl, spoon a ladle of broth over the top, cover with the seafood and then top with an aioli....I wanted to pass out it was so good! I actually ate so much I almost didn't have room for desert.

Carrot Cake, do I need to say anything more than CREAM CHEESE FROSTING? Thank you Francisca for indulging me with this most amazing yumminess!

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