Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Orzo Salad

This is one of my favorite salads and has so much flavor. This recipe makes a huge bowl full, so it's a great side dish if you are having a lot of people over. I just had 10 people over for dinner the other night and still had plenty left over. It's also great as a meal on it's own.
Orzo Salad

1 Pound Orzo Pasta
3 Bell Peppers, sliced into thin strips (I like to use red, yellow, and orange for color)
1 Small Red Onion, sliced into thin strips
1 Cucumber, sliced into ¼ inch pieces
4 Plum Tomatoes, cut into ½ inch pieces
Handful Baby Spinach Leaves
8 Ounces Feta Cheese, crumbled
1 Bottle Greek Feta Salad Dressing (I like to use Girard’s)

Cook pasta according to manufactures directions, then drain in colander and run cold water over pasta until completely cooled. In large bowl mix all ingredients and until well blended. This recipe works best if the dressing is mixed in just before serving, as it will soak up all the dressing as it sits.

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